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For the last couple of years, the North Carolina Community College System has constantly changed its stands on whether or not to admit undocumented students. In the spring of 2010, the NC Community College Board of Directors gave a step forward by voting to allow undocumented students to enroll in any of the 58 NC Community Colleges with specific restrictions. In order for an undocumented student to enroll in a community college she/he:

  • Must have graduated from a U.S. high school (Undocumented students who have a GED do not qualify to take college credit courses).
  • Must pay out of state tuition (Around $7,000 per year, depending on the number of credits taken)
  • May not displace a NC or U.S. resident from a class or program.

**The above restrictions do not apply for non-curriculum courses such as GED and ESL.

Undocumented students that fulfill the criteria to enroll in any of the 58 NC community colleges may enroll in any study program, except for those that require state certification exams.

NC Public Colleges and Universities

Undocumented students can enroll in any of the NC public universities and colleges; however they must pay out-of-state tuition which varies among these institutions and depending on whether or not you will be living on-campus.  Many private colleges and universities also accept undocumented students.


  1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. High School Timeline
  3. Scholarships & Financial Aid Resources
  4. Memo on the enrollment of undocumented students in NC Community Colleges

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