Direct Services
One of the ways we attempt to address the needs of our communities is through direct services.

How we do it
By visiting neighborhoods, canvassing at supermarkets and local Latine businesses, giving out at-home COVID-19 tests, providing mental health support, and through the Faith Action ID program we hope to meet a few of the unique needs our communities face while fighting in the long-term for policy changes that will allow our communities to thrive in NC for years to come.
Mental Health
We know how important mental health is to overall health. We focus on encouraging conversations on mental health and providing our community with accessible resources. Through the program “Strong Minds, Strong Communities”, 6 community members received 10 one-hour psychoeducation sessions. These sessions consist of motivational interviewing, mindfulness, behavioral activation, psychoeducation, and self-management.

Faith Action ID
Since 2021, we have worked in coalition with local Wake County and statewide partners to provide community identifications to community members in Wake County.
This community ID is a valid form of identification aimed especially at those who cannot access an identity document issued by the state or federal government or consular entity. It is a verifiable form of identification that says you are part of our community. However, it is not a government ID or driver’s license.
Learn More about the Faith Action ID program in Wake County!
“Every time the camera flashes when taking a photo for a person from our community on the community ID day, my heart fills with joy because it reminds me that it is another person that we are helping.” – Maria Fernanda “Maryfer” Najera-Aguilar, Community Organizer