Fight Abortion Bans
in NC with El Pueblo

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North Carolina's Latine community wants Abortion Care for all!

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North Carolinians should be able to decide what's best for ourselves and our families.

North Carolinians should be able to decide what's best for ourselves and our families. Politicians in Raleigh shouldn't have a say in our pregnancies or get to control our bodies. Latines thrive when we control our own bodies, lives, and futures. This means making our own healthcare decisions, including abortion, birth control, and maternal care, as we have for centuries.

Like our family in Latin America who have mobilized as part of the “Green Wave” to expand abortion access throughout the region, we too have the power to organize together for our rights!

A family embracing each other in support

Abortion gives us the freedom to control our lives and futures.
Fight abortion bans in NC with El Pueblo.

Fight Back

North Carolina's Latine community wants Abortion Care for all!

Contact Information

A decorative flower illustration