Our Vision
We envision a just society that values equity, dignity, and respect of all people.

Our Mission
To build collective power through leadership development, organizing, and direct action so that the Latin American community and other marginalized communities control our own stories and destinies.
Advocacy by bringing forward the voices of NC Latinos to pursue a collective advancement of social justice and political power through civic engagement, leadership development, community organizing and partnerships with allies and policy-makers. Leadership development that is inclusive, intergenerational and participatory; El Pueblo values activities that create spaces for mutual education and empowerment by building upon the experiences of both educators and learners and providing leadership opportunities for youth and adults.
Cultural celebration and exchange that promotes pride and appreciation. Community by recognizing and supporting the rights, strengths, and experiences of the Latino community; seeking appreciation, connection and ownership; and ensuring that our community’s voice is respected and represented at all levels. Service with the Latino community, rather than “for” the Latino community. El Pueblo works through participatory programs, alongside volunteerism, and collaborating with partnership.
Collaboration with community members, other organizations, allies and government leaders across North Carolina, and, collaboration within El Pueblo that reaches across divisions to unify resources with diverse partners. Social justice that respects the inherent worth, dignity, and rights of all; social justice that addresses the root causes of social problems such as the need for and access to personal and public safety; social justice that gives people access to education at all levels, to quality health services, to economic opportunity and to employment with benefits.

Meet our Team
- Alexandra Maria Landeros, Finance Director & Co-Director of Operations
- Bryanna Garcia, Civic & Community Engagement Manager
- Elke Millan, Development & Special Projects Manager
- Eloy Tupayachi, Digital Strategy and Content Manager
- Florence M. Simán, Director of Development & Co-Director of Operations
- Helen Galeas, Civic Engagement Organizer
- Irma Ramos, Administrative Coordinator
- Karina Neyra, Director of Community Investment & Services
- Luis Lozano, Digital Coordinator
- Maria Fernanda Najera-Aguilar (Marifer), Community Investment Coordinator
- Mario Alfaro, Policy Manager
- Melissa Cervantes, Digital Organizer
- Mónica L. Drasal-Hinton, Community Investment Manager
- Nicole Lopez Vargas, Youth Organizer
- Veronica Aguilar, Communications Director
- Felicia Arriaga; Board Chair
- Maria del Carmen Sanchez
- Marta Perrupato; Treasurer
- Nayeli Garcia